Thursday, August 29, 2013

Why I like Being a Modified Beauty #9

Nickname/AKA: Taylor Bliss

Birthday: July 9th 1987
Age: 25
Location: Wichita, ks

Turn ons:
Nothing turns me on like a confident man.
Tattoos are just a bonus, but its nice to share that interest.
I love a man who can fix anything, mechanic or household.
Luscious lips don't hurt either.

Turn offs:
Men who take no pride in themselves.
They must have body hair groomed and be clean.
Long fingernails are a huge turnoff!

Divisions within Modified Beauties:Golden and Muses

TL: Why do you like being a Modified Beauty [MB]? 
TB:I like sharing my modifications and showing men and women you can be unique and successful.
TL:How has being a MB helped you?

TB:The modified Beauties are one big family, always there for each other.
TL:Who/what inspired you to begin your modifications?

TB:I was attracted to the taboo of the tattoo and so at 16 I began my journey.
TL:What modifications do you have and how many?

TB:I have a large percent of body tattooed. you come to a point where you just don't count anymore. i like to experience with piercings. if you can pierce it once, Ive done it multiple times. I'm now starting to get dermal implants. i think these are my favorite mods.
TL:When did you start your modifications?

TB:I was 14, I started out with a simple flesh piercing. My navel. It forever changed who i would become.
TL:What is your favorite modification?

TB:The ones that are just for me.
TL:If you could give advice to anyone who is beginning the modification process, what would you tell them?

TB:Yes its gonna hurt, yes you will be judged, and yes it will be worth it.
TL:In your opinion, what does a modification mean to an individual? Does it change from person to person or is there a general sense of ‘I’m cool now, or I’m unique’?

TB:it varies not everybody with modifications have them for the right reasons.
TL:In your personal experience, did you get treated differently for your modifications, or were you treated the same as before you had them done?

TB:Yes I've been treated differently. Between the medical field and law-enforcement, I have been judged harshly by some superiors.
TL:Is there anything that you may want to add?

TB:You only live once, go for it.