Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Why I Like Being a Modified Beauty #3

with Beauty Kaitlin Schoen

AKA: Krazi Katelyn
Birthday: 6.16.1987
Age: 25
Location: St. Louis, MO

Turn ons: Rain, Thunder, Roses, Piercings, Tattoos, Freedom

Turn offs: Cockiness, 'Holier-than-thou' and 'better' attitudes, Oppression

Division within Modified Beauties: Curvy

The Modified Mystic

TL: Why do you like being a Modified Beauty [MB]?
KS: I like being a MB because I get to interact with so many different women- different lifestyles, different opinions, and different experiences. We're all modified but still support each other through good and bad.

TL: How has being a MB helped you?
KS: It’s helped me get out of my shell a bit and experiment with things I may not have done. 

TL: Who/what inspired you to begin your modifications?
KS: Friends, family, and just a desire to decorate. I've been in love with tattoos and piercings for as long as I can remember.

TL: What modifications do you have and how many?
KS: Currently, I have 12 tattoos and 6 lobe piercings. In the past, I've had many more piercings and I've removed them due to personal decisions in life. I do plan to replace them in the future. 

TL: When did you start your modifications?
KS: One week after I turned 18, as soon as my birthday money came in.

TL: What is your favorite modification?
KS: My favorite one (at this point anyway) is my NOH8 tattoo across my heart. I have a passion for equality and this tattoo was done to show support for gay and lesbian community.

TL:  If you could give advice to anyone who is beginning the modification process, what would you tell them?
KS: Go somewhere reputable. Ink can be fixed, Piercings can come out, but if you don't go to a reputable shop, you can end up with worse than a bad tattoo or piercing. Cheap can be harmful.

TL: In your opinion, what does a modification mean to an individual? Does it change from person to person or is there a general sense of ‘I’m cool now, or I’m unique’?
KS:I think the modifications have different meanings for everyone. I didn't get mine to be 'cool' or 'unique' I got them because they meant something to me. The person is still the same; they just have the balls to show something important to them on the outside.

TL: In your personal experience, did you get treated differently for your modifications, or were you treated the same as before you had them done?
KS: The people who matter treated me the same. I think I get more questions now, especially from children, who want to know what it means, or why it's there and not coming off. I get a lot of 'OH so pretty!' The biggest change was from family. I expected them to treat me differently, especially at my wedding, where most of my ink was visible. Instead, they were asking questions and wanting to know the story behind it. 

TL: Is there anything that you may want to add?
KS: Just be yourself. Don't get modified because it's cool, or because everyone else is doing it. Get modified because YOU want it. Because the mod means something to YOU. If you yourself are scared to death of needles, find other ways to be modified, if that's what you want. Hair/Makeup/Clothes.... Modifications come in all styles.

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