Nickname/AKA: Cupcake
Birthday: October 5th
Age: 27
Location: Washington State
Turn ons: Confidence, nice teeth, nice arms, tattoos, intelligence, good hygiene
Turn offs: Bad hygiene, ignorance, blatant bigotry or closed mindedness, pity party self sabatogers, drug usage of any kind (I don't mind if you do it but I wont be attracted to you if you do).
Divisions within Modified Beauties:
Golden Beauties
TL:Why do you like being a Modified Beauty [MB]?
FM:Well before I was a part of shaping The Modified Beauties I was in another group similar The Women of Modified. I somehow managed to become a Vice President of the group before taking time off and quitting due to stress and the crazy expectations that were expected of me. I had no life. When MB started I sort of just watched it and then decided to join at the insistence of my lovely friend and wifey Asia. They brought me on board as an Admin.
Now to actually answer the question *laughs* I like being an MB because it's a sisterhood and community full of wonderful, caring and modified women. It has brought us all together in a world where we wouldn't normally come into contact with each other. Every member we accept into our group adds to the richness of it.
TL:How has being a MB helped you?
FM:The girls offer advice, opinions, a place to vent and be yourself without fear of retaliation or judgement. It's a place for friendship. I don't often have problems with this stuff but there are days where I just need someone to talk to, or some of the girls need someone to talk to and that's what we do. It also helps others get opinions, tips, and help with their modifications, and ideas to better themselves "modify" so to speak from fitness, to tattoos, piercings, hair dye, make up. You name it.
TL:Who/what inspired you to begin your modifications?
FM:I wish I had an answer. Older friends when I was younger I suppose. Not many people in my family had modifications so I was kind of the odd one. I don't mind though. I can inspire myself and anything I go through in life also gives me inspiration.
FM:I wish I had an answer. Older friends when I was younger I suppose. Not many people in my family had modifications so I was kind of the odd one. I don't mind though. I can inspire myself and anything I go through in life also gives me inspiration.
TL:What modifications do you have and how many?
FM:I have 6 piercings, I had tons more but I have since taken many of them out. I have 16 tattoos, several of which are large pieces (ie my chest and my left sleeve).
FM:I have 6 piercings, I had tons more but I have since taken many of them out. I have 16 tattoos, several of which are large pieces (ie my chest and my left sleeve).
TL: When did you start your modifications?
FM:I pierced my nose and my ears myself before I turned 18. Then when I turned 18 I got my first tattoo.
FM:I pierced my nose and my ears myself before I turned 18. Then when I turned 18 I got my first tattoo.
TL:What is your favorite modification?
FM:My Egyptian sleeve. It's black and white and well done. It wont ever be finished though because the amazing artist who had been working on it passed away and I just can't bring myself to let anyone else work on it.
FM:My Egyptian sleeve. It's black and white and well done. It wont ever be finished though because the amazing artist who had been working on it passed away and I just can't bring myself to let anyone else work on it.
TL:If you could give advice to anyone who is beginning the modification process, what would you tell them?
FM:Really think about what you're doing before you do it. Tattoos might have started becoming acceptable, but getting tattoos in places you can't cover up can and will limit what you can do in life, I know I'd like to see that change, but change is a slow process. Also don't cheap out and don't go to shady joints, because think about it... this is something you're going to have for the rest of your life if you can't afford costly laser removal.
FM:Really think about what you're doing before you do it. Tattoos might have started becoming acceptable, but getting tattoos in places you can't cover up can and will limit what you can do in life, I know I'd like to see that change, but change is a slow process. Also don't cheap out and don't go to shady joints, because think about it... this is something you're going to have for the rest of your life if you can't afford costly laser removal.
TL: In your opinion, what does a modification mean to an individual? Does it change from person to person or is there a general sense of ‘I’m cool now, or I’m unique’?
FM:Modification to me is altering what I look like on the outside to fit how I feel on the inside. I've never thought of it as a way to say "look at me I'm cool" but as a way to outwardly express my joy, my interests and my soul in a visible manner. It is different for each person, and yes unfortunately some people do it for attention but that's their choice.
FM:Modification to me is altering what I look like on the outside to fit how I feel on the inside. I've never thought of it as a way to say "look at me I'm cool" but as a way to outwardly express my joy, my interests and my soul in a visible manner. It is different for each person, and yes unfortunately some people do it for attention but that's their choice.
TL:In your personal experience, did you get treated differently for your modifications, or were you treated the same as before you had them done?
FM:Yes I have been treated differently, not as badly as some people might have been and not always too my face. It's kind of sad really how judgmental people are but they're human and a lot of times people come to think differently of me after they get to know me. Also considering what I do for a living.. it shocks a lot of people. I cover up at work so you'd never know unless you knew me outside of work.
TL: Is there anything that you may want to add?
FM:What ever you do in life, be yourself and find your happiness. Don't make decisions because other people want you too, do it because you do! and thanks for taking the time to check out MB and our blog :)
FM:What ever you do in life, be yourself and find your happiness. Don't make decisions because other people want you too, do it because you do! and thanks for taking the time to check out MB and our blog :)
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