Name:Jennifer White
Name of your business if you have one:
Perfectly Twisted Creations
What is it you make?
I make a little of everything but I'm mostly known for the keepsake boxes, sculpted luminaries, and polymer clay jewelry I make. I also paint and draw and commission my artwork on my keepsake boxes as well. Most of my work, but not all, has a dark but beautiful feel to it. Like a beautiful damask keepsake box adorned with a hand sculpted Gothic cross or skull. I try to make items I would personally love to own in hopes that others would love them as well.
How long have you been making them?
In July it will be a year since I started Perfectly Twisted creations
What inspired you to start?
I have been and artist and creative since I can remember. My love for creating things from hand grew as I did. I have looked for many outlets for my creative itch but it wasn't until a couple years ago, when I made my first shrinky dink necklace then sugar skull necklace, that I realized I wanted to get more serious with my crafting. I made some simple keepsake boxes for my family for Christmas a few years ago and thought how awesome would it be to make more elaborate beautiful boxes with hand sculpted flowers or skulls on them. That lead to me doing my first big craft show last year and my business has taken off since.
Was it easy for you to learn?
I had some experience sculpting with gumpaste and fondant in my cake decorating days so working with polymer clay came easily after a little bit of practice. But I am always trying new and different things and learning as I go by trial and error.
What's the price range on your items?
Prices of my items range from $5 for cute bows to the most expensive item I have made to date which is $100 for a painted glass vase with a very realistic hand sculpted octopus on it.
Do you take on commissions or personalize items?
Always! It's my favorite work to do. I love making custom items.
What has been your most favorite creation?
That is a hard one. I think it would be a tie between the octopus vase I made and the Friday the 13th inspired hand sculpted Jason mask keepsake box I made myself.
What has been your least favorite?
I can't say I have a least favorite. I enjoyed making everything I have. The only thing I thing I can say I need a break from making would be the Lament Configuration Hellraiser inspired bracelets I made. I only say that because I had to make 50 in 2 months lol.
Where can we find your items? (links)
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