Monday, July 8, 2013

Why I Like Being a Modified Beauty #8

Name: Carla Cüntbag

[[ Carla C ]] [[ RalphTheUnicorn ]] [[ Ejola ]]
Birthday:  8.30.1989 (I came out the same year as Ariel!)
Age: 23
Location: Limbo, Earth
Turn ons:
Gamers, nerds, intellect, strength (not physical, mental), glasses, blue eyes, Batman, fishnets, a morbid sense of humor, herbal remedies, benevolence, under bites, corsets, & a good taste in music
Turn offs:
Drinking, sophomoric behavior (the non-fun variety), lying, trolls, people just looking for fights
Divisions within Modified Beauties:
Golden Beauty. (& proud!)
[[ fanpage ]] [[ Dawn of the Dames ]] [[ Tumblr ]] [[ Twitter ]]

TL: Why do you like being a Modified Beauty [MB]? 
CC:Before I was accepted I felt drained, depressed, and like no one knew how I felt. I felt alone. I never really had a group of female friends that I could talk to let alone *relate* to. I was still recovering from the gall bladder removal when I applied/got accepted. & I felt like I'd been bleeding on the floor for hours, and all you girls came over with your hands extended to help me up. Then I started Dawn of The Dame.
TL:How has being a MB helped you?
CC:My self love is *much* better.
TL: Who/what inspired you to begin your modifications?
CC: Uh, actually the music video "Crawling" by Linkin Park. Chesder's labret & the girl in the video's septum ring intrigued me quite a bit.
TL: What modifications do you have and how many?
CC: My ears have been pierced since I was a baby (cause I was an awesome baby) so I stretched my lobes to a 00ga after getting my ears pierced a 2nd time (at the mall, awkward). Then, got my IV:XX tattoo when I was about 18/19 in college, because what the number means, saved my life (most can't read it, sad) then I got a heart on my upper left bicep, above my scars, for "To Write Love on her arms". Later had the heart filled in black and red put around the heart (because some people are allergic to red tattoo ink, & I always knew I was getting an Ariel tattoo), so now I just call that tattoo "heart burn" because...look at it! ><...moving on, I got a 16 hour Ariel quarter sleeve (totally planned on it being smaller) around the time my Grandma got really sick, it was completed and fully colored by the time she passed, after she passed in her memory I got an outline of a black heart (because she had the same on her right bicep) on my right bicep, with the words "Mama & Ma" followed by an infinity symbol, to represent my love of my mother & grandmother forever (more than forever). My mum let me get my lip pierced at 16, I got a right off center labret, followed by a labret, then a left off center labret that rejected. I got my tattoo's done at Stingray in Allston for, cleaning the owner's house ('cause we are fwends & I clean)...I am hoping my "heart burn" gets fixed soon. (Lawlz)
TL: When did you start your modifications?
CC: Oh. Age 0. I was literally 4 months old.
TL: What is your favorite modification?
CC: I can only pick one? I just answered a question with two questions? Well I have 3 favorites, lip rings and Ariel Tattoo, wait no...the IV:XX...wait, no. The tattoo for my Mum & Grandma, yes.
TL: If you could give advice to anyone who is beginning the modification process, what would you tell them?
CC: Be smart like me & go to professionals, don't have your friends do it. Google "rejected piercings" if you dare question my logic.
TL: In your opinion, what does a modification mean to an individual? Does it change from person to person or is there a general sense of ‘I’m cool now, or I’m unique’?
CC: If someone has a tattoo or something that they designed or has great meaning to it I believe that is unique. Picking out a design from a wall, in my opinion, does not make you unique. Unique means "uni" as in one. If more than one person has that tattoo, how are you unique? If that is what you are going for...trying to stand out. In general I believe a modification changes from person to person.
TL: In your personal experience, did you get treated differently for your modifications, or were you treated the same as before you had them done?
CC: People notice I have big lips more, because I needed a ring with a bigger diameter, people notice my cuts less, mytattoo get's called "cute" a lot. During a breast examination at a high ranked hospital they asked me what "IV:XX" read in roman numerals. They said "5:10?" I just kinda face palmed.
TL: Is there anything that you may want to add?
CC:Unicorns. The number 42. & the number 3.

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