Saturday, December 14, 2013

Name:Rachael Cowley
Pinky Zombiie

Birthday: 29th January 1990


Melbourne, Australia

Turn ons:
Tattoos, Piercings, Dreadlocks, people who are true to them self and crazy hair colors

Turn offs:
Bad hygiene, negativity and People who are self centered.
Divisions within Modified Beauties: [please list all]
Modified Beauties, Muses / Golden Beauties,

Links: [any pages that are for your modeling/entertaining purposes, your fb page[s], creative links]

WC: Why do you like being a Modified Beauty [MB]?

RC: I love being a Modified Beauty because I feel like I have a home, people whom understand me and are really accepting of whom you are inside and out.
We are a family are we support each other in any way we possibly can. Not to mention i feel like it is there to let other ladies know you are beautiful regardless of what you look like and also modified people are beautiful too.

WC: How has being a MB helped you?

RC: It has helped me dramatically. I no longer feel alone, I have a family here. If I am feeling down I know I can talk to anyone who is apart of MB and they can make me feel better as well as give me advice. I have also learnt to love myself as a person thanks to MB. MB has also taught  me that you as an individual can do anything when you set your mind to it. Everyone whom is apart of MB is truely amazing. 

WC: Who/what inspired you to begin your modifications?

RC: I was about 12 years old when I first seen a heavily modified person (Joeltron, Pauly Unstoppable) and I had gotten extremely intrigued by it and started to get piercings. I also had gotten inspired by Kat Von D, Cory Miller, Ami James and Yoji Harada. As well as being an artist myself I wanted to see my artwork get made into something that people could treasure forever.
WC: What modifications do you have and how many?

RC: I currently have 15 piercings ( 2x belly button, Both nipples, Vertical labret, Tongue, Septum, Both sides of nose, Horizontal eyebrow, 1inch tunnel each ear and 3 rings in each ear)
23 Tattoos ( All my fingers, both wrists, back, left thigh, both calves, right ankle and left sleeve in progress

WC: When did you start your modifications?

RC: I started getting piercings when I was 12 (2002) Which was my belly button. I began getting tattoo when I was 22 (2012) Which was when I got my wrists tattooed and became addicted :)

WC: What is your favorite modification?

RC: Oooo now this is a tough one ha ha. I would have to go with my sleeve in progress. Which is my artwork of horror versions of Hello Kitty. ( Zombie, Hannibal, Punisher, Chucky, Jason Vorhees, Billy the puppet)

WC: If you could give advice to anyone who is beginning the modification process, what would you tell them?

RC: I would say to them make sure that whomever you see to do your modification is qualified and clean. I have came across a lot of people whom aren't and it turns out to be a disaster. Also make sure you know what you want, because once its done it cannot be changed ha ha. Also good luck and warning it's addictive! ha ha
WC: In your opinion, what does a modification mean to an individual? Does it change from person to person or is there a general sense of ‘I’m cool now, or I’m unique’?

RC: Well to be quite honest I cannot say what It means to an individual, everyone is different. To me modification is expressing myself through my art on my skin. Everyone of my tattoos have been my own design, something that I have drawn and felt proud of. Your body is a temple and I'm just decorating the walls of my temple.
  WC: In your personal experience, did you get treated differently for your modifications, or were you treated the same as before you had them done?

RC: As sad as it is I did get treated differently. Being a single parent and modified is hard, people frown upon you, you get dirty looks and people mumble things under their breath. People also seem to sterotype people whom are moded to be trouble making crimminals which is rather upsetting. We are just like everyone else, only difference is we express ourselves differently. I hope that one day that people change their views on modified people.

WC: Is there anything that you may want to add?

RC:I would just like to add weather you are modded or not you are beautiful inside and out! Don't let anyone tell you different!
Everyone deserves to be loved regardless of what they look like!

Stay beautiful and get modified! <3

Name: Siobhan Fellas
 Nickname/AKA: Siobhan Eloise
 Birthday: 1st August 1987
 Age: 25
 Location: Lowestoft, Suffolk England
 Turn ons: black, music, leopard print, tattoos & piercings!
 Turn offs: posers, chart music!
 Divisions within Modified Beauties: [please list all] Muse, curvy & golden
 Links: [any pages that are for your modeling/entertaining purposes, your fb page[s], creative links]
WC-why do you like being a modified beauty [mb] 

SE:its not just a group, its a sister hood,we all have a love of being modified and this is what has brought us together but also, i can talk/post anything without being judged, i love the fact that someone will help you out!


WC-How has being a MB helped you?
SE:its given me the confidence to be me, the girls are very supportive of my plus size modelling, and its boosted my confidence!

WC-Who/what inspired you to begin your modifications?

SE: watching/ reading kerrang! from the age of 13 i started getting into the alternative scene, i got my lip pierced at 16 and got more modified from then on!

WC- What modifications do you have and how many?

SE: ok, ears 3 times, conch, tragus, top of ear, nose both sides and angel bites! and i have 15 tattoos!

WC-When did you start your modifications?

SE:piercings at 16 tattoos at 18
WC-What is your favorite modification?

SE: my angel bites and my lucky cat tattoo
WC- If you could give advice to anyone who is beginning the modification process, what would you tell them?

SE: RESEARCH! i wish i did this first, especially for ear stretching! if its tattoos, think for a while, what you  may think is cute now, may not be when your 40!

WC-In your opinion, what does a modification mean to an individual?

SE: Does it change from person to person or is there a general sense of ‘I’m cool now, or I’m unique’? for me its a form of expression, just like clothing and hair colour, i like the alternative look so thats how i dress etc!
WC-In your personal experience, did you get treated differently for your modifications, or were you treated the same as before you had them done?

SE: at school i was called names for being alternative, but nothing serious! now, no i think i get treated fairly! being a mum i thought i would have to tone down my look, but all the other mums still talk to me and there not modified!
WC- Is there anything that you may want to add?
SE: thanks for having me!! Open-mouthed smile

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Why I like Being a Modified Beauty #9

Nickname/AKA: Taylor Bliss

Birthday: July 9th 1987
Age: 25
Location: Wichita, ks

Turn ons:
Nothing turns me on like a confident man.
Tattoos are just a bonus, but its nice to share that interest.
I love a man who can fix anything, mechanic or household.
Luscious lips don't hurt either.

Turn offs:
Men who take no pride in themselves.
They must have body hair groomed and be clean.
Long fingernails are a huge turnoff!

Divisions within Modified Beauties:Golden and Muses

TL: Why do you like being a Modified Beauty [MB]? 
TB:I like sharing my modifications and showing men and women you can be unique and successful.
TL:How has being a MB helped you?

TB:The modified Beauties are one big family, always there for each other.
TL:Who/what inspired you to begin your modifications?

TB:I was attracted to the taboo of the tattoo and so at 16 I began my journey.
TL:What modifications do you have and how many?

TB:I have a large percent of body tattooed. you come to a point where you just don't count anymore. i like to experience with piercings. if you can pierce it once, Ive done it multiple times. I'm now starting to get dermal implants. i think these are my favorite mods.
TL:When did you start your modifications?

TB:I was 14, I started out with a simple flesh piercing. My navel. It forever changed who i would become.
TL:What is your favorite modification?

TB:The ones that are just for me.
TL:If you could give advice to anyone who is beginning the modification process, what would you tell them?

TB:Yes its gonna hurt, yes you will be judged, and yes it will be worth it.
TL:In your opinion, what does a modification mean to an individual? Does it change from person to person or is there a general sense of ‘I’m cool now, or I’m unique’?

TB:it varies not everybody with modifications have them for the right reasons.
TL:In your personal experience, did you get treated differently for your modifications, or were you treated the same as before you had them done?

TB:Yes I've been treated differently. Between the medical field and law-enforcement, I have been judged harshly by some superiors.
TL:Is there anything that you may want to add?

TB:You only live once, go for it.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Why I Like Being a Modified Beauty #8

Name: Carla Cüntbag

[[ Carla C ]] [[ RalphTheUnicorn ]] [[ Ejola ]]
Birthday:  8.30.1989 (I came out the same year as Ariel!)
Age: 23
Location: Limbo, Earth
Turn ons:
Gamers, nerds, intellect, strength (not physical, mental), glasses, blue eyes, Batman, fishnets, a morbid sense of humor, herbal remedies, benevolence, under bites, corsets, & a good taste in music
Turn offs:
Drinking, sophomoric behavior (the non-fun variety), lying, trolls, people just looking for fights
Divisions within Modified Beauties:
Golden Beauty. (& proud!)
[[ fanpage ]] [[ Dawn of the Dames ]] [[ Tumblr ]] [[ Twitter ]]

TL: Why do you like being a Modified Beauty [MB]? 
CC:Before I was accepted I felt drained, depressed, and like no one knew how I felt. I felt alone. I never really had a group of female friends that I could talk to let alone *relate* to. I was still recovering from the gall bladder removal when I applied/got accepted. & I felt like I'd been bleeding on the floor for hours, and all you girls came over with your hands extended to help me up. Then I started Dawn of The Dame.
TL:How has being a MB helped you?
CC:My self love is *much* better.
TL: Who/what inspired you to begin your modifications?
CC: Uh, actually the music video "Crawling" by Linkin Park. Chesder's labret & the girl in the video's septum ring intrigued me quite a bit.
TL: What modifications do you have and how many?
CC: My ears have been pierced since I was a baby (cause I was an awesome baby) so I stretched my lobes to a 00ga after getting my ears pierced a 2nd time (at the mall, awkward). Then, got my IV:XX tattoo when I was about 18/19 in college, because what the number means, saved my life (most can't read it, sad) then I got a heart on my upper left bicep, above my scars, for "To Write Love on her arms". Later had the heart filled in black and red put around the heart (because some people are allergic to red tattoo ink, & I always knew I was getting an Ariel tattoo), so now I just call that tattoo "heart burn" because...look at it! ><...moving on, I got a 16 hour Ariel quarter sleeve (totally planned on it being smaller) around the time my Grandma got really sick, it was completed and fully colored by the time she passed, after she passed in her memory I got an outline of a black heart (because she had the same on her right bicep) on my right bicep, with the words "Mama & Ma" followed by an infinity symbol, to represent my love of my mother & grandmother forever (more than forever). My mum let me get my lip pierced at 16, I got a right off center labret, followed by a labret, then a left off center labret that rejected. I got my tattoo's done at Stingray in Allston for, cleaning the owner's house ('cause we are fwends & I clean)...I am hoping my "heart burn" gets fixed soon. (Lawlz)
TL: When did you start your modifications?
CC: Oh. Age 0. I was literally 4 months old.
TL: What is your favorite modification?
CC: I can only pick one? I just answered a question with two questions? Well I have 3 favorites, lip rings and Ariel Tattoo, wait no...the IV:XX...wait, no. The tattoo for my Mum & Grandma, yes.
TL: If you could give advice to anyone who is beginning the modification process, what would you tell them?
CC: Be smart like me & go to professionals, don't have your friends do it. Google "rejected piercings" if you dare question my logic.
TL: In your opinion, what does a modification mean to an individual? Does it change from person to person or is there a general sense of ‘I’m cool now, or I’m unique’?
CC: If someone has a tattoo or something that they designed or has great meaning to it I believe that is unique. Picking out a design from a wall, in my opinion, does not make you unique. Unique means "uni" as in one. If more than one person has that tattoo, how are you unique? If that is what you are going for...trying to stand out. In general I believe a modification changes from person to person.
TL: In your personal experience, did you get treated differently for your modifications, or were you treated the same as before you had them done?
CC: People notice I have big lips more, because I needed a ring with a bigger diameter, people notice my cuts less, mytattoo get's called "cute" a lot. During a breast examination at a high ranked hospital they asked me what "IV:XX" read in roman numerals. They said "5:10?" I just kinda face palmed.
TL: Is there anything that you may want to add?
CC:Unicorns. The number 42. & the number 3.

Monday, June 17, 2013

My Most Meaningful Tattoo

with Danielle Andre

in remembrance of her grandparents

This tattoo is in remembrance of my grandmother. She passed away when I was just 9 years old, but still had a major impact on my life. I lived with her and my grandfather for a year between first and second grade while my mother was preparing to give birth to her 4th child while also house hunting with my dad and the other kiddos. When my grandma passed away from lung cancer and emphysema, I experienced depression for the first time in my life. At school, I would have random crying outbursts in the middle of class, and I was put in grief and loss counseling for 3 years in a row. I still haven't fully gotten over it and I probably never will.
The panther with roses on my belly is for my grandmother (and grandfather, whom is still living). My grandma's name was Rose, and I chose the color red because it is the color of love, and also because it reminded me most of her (she always had long red fingernails). The panther is for my grandpa because the only tattoo he ever got was a panther clinging to his arm.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Member Business and Craft Spotlight - Jennifer White Perfectly Twisted Creations

Name:Jennifer White


Name of your business if you have one: 
Perfectly Twisted Creations

What is it you make?

I make a little of everything but I'm mostly known for the keepsake boxes, sculpted luminaries, and polymer clay jewelry I make. I also paint and draw and commission my artwork on my keepsake boxes as well. Most of my work, but not all, has a dark but beautiful feel to it. Like a beautiful damask keepsake box adorned with a hand sculpted Gothic cross or skull. I try to make items I would personally love to own in hopes that others would love them as well.

How long have you been making them?

In July it will be a year since I started Perfectly Twisted creations

What inspired you to start?

I have been and artist and creative since I can remember. My love for creating things from hand grew as I did. I have looked for many outlets for my creative itch but it wasn't until a couple years ago, when I made my first shrinky dink necklace then sugar skull necklace, that I realized I wanted to get more serious with my crafting. I made some simple keepsake boxes for my family for Christmas a few years ago and thought how awesome would it be to make more elaborate beautiful boxes with hand sculpted flowers or skulls on them. That lead to me doing my first big craft show last year and my business has taken off since.

Was it easy for you to learn?

I had some experience sculpting with gumpaste and fondant in my cake decorating days so working with polymer clay came easily after a little bit of practice. But I am always trying new and different things and learning as I go by trial and error.

What's the price range on your items?

Prices of my items range from $5 for cute bows to the most expensive item I have made to date which is $100 for a painted glass vase with a very realistic hand sculpted octopus on it.

Do you take on commissions or personalize items?

Always! It's my favorite work to do. I love making custom items.

What has been your most favorite creation?

That is a hard one. I think it would be a tie between the octopus vase I made and the Friday the 13th inspired hand sculpted Jason mask keepsake box I made myself.

What has been your least favorite?

I can't say I have a least favorite. I enjoyed making everything I have. The only thing I thing I can say I need a break from making would be the Lament Configuration Hellraiser inspired bracelets I made. I only say that because I had to make 50 in 2 months lol.

Where can we find your items? (links)

Friday, June 7, 2013

Member Business and Craft Spotlight - Ashley Boswell with Moms on a Mission.

Name: Ashley Boswell

Location: Charleston, WV

Name of your business if you have one: 
Not really a "business," but a non-profit group.
Moms on a Mission

What is it you make?

A little bit of everything!  We make awareness ribbons, wedding items, crocheted items, jewelry, mesh wreaths, hair accessories, baked goodies, and signs and banners to name a few. We are quite a diverse group of ladies and try to showcase ALL of our talents!

How long have you been making and selling your crafts?

Since we were founded about a year ago!

What inspired you to start? 

A few friends and I wanted to start a group based on the busy and sometimes hectic life of being a mom, while making a difference in our local community. We started making crafty items to raise more funding for some of our events that we host.

Were the crafts easy for you to learn?

Some things come easily. Some do not. Some still don't for me, but do for others! But that's okay, but I excel at some things that others do not. Since we are a group, and not just one person, it really helps with that. If I can't understand something, usually someone else does!

What's the price range on your items?

We sell some things from 3 for $1 and all the way up to $250 packages. Since we make a LARGE variety of things, we have pricing flexibility.

Do you take on commissions or personalize items?

Most definitely! We have a whole "Custom Orders" section in our Etsy store and are HAPPY to try and help as many people as we can!

What has been your most favorite creation?

My personal favorite item to make is wedding bouquets & sets. I love weddings. I love helping make things for weddings as well as plan them! My favorite thing from the ladies in my group is the awesome crochet items that they can come up with! I taught myself to crochet but their skills are on a whole other level!

What has been your least favorite?
I don't have a least favorite. If I did, I don't think I would offer it anymore!

Where can we find your items? and